
In memory of all children who lost their live in domestic appliance.
Mama, you wouldn’t like me to be the next one, would you?



  • Ultimate child safety

    To prevent the door closing without the action from outside of domestic appliances, it is the safety of child inside.

  • The ultimate solution

    To slam the door shut is a comfort in situations where no child or domestic animal is endangered.

  • Superior situation (S) Safe

    This is the situation our Ultimate child safety concept offers. It does not only exclude repetition of the fatal children tragedies.


With the help of VIDEO we have shown you temporal and definitive means to regain child safety in domestic appliances that contain a cabinet to where children can enter, as given in SECURITY. Before you can buy these means on the market, we shall give you some advise how you can improve the situation yourselves already now.

If children or pets are endangered by your domestic appliance you can use tongs clamped on the open appliance door in such a way that the tongs will obstruct full door closure. To demonstrate it in VIDEO we have used self made tongs constructed in the following way:


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